Monday, March 22, 2010

Feeling better

Already Elmo is starting to feel better and act more like a horse. He is starting to nicker when you bring his food and even getting pushy about how fast you put his bucket down.
The other day the other horses where running around the pasture and he was cantering out there with them. He has found his favorite napping spot, the big sand pit by the run-in...and he has a hidey hole to he LOVES to go behind the run in and hide on the side in the trees. I'm telling you we should have named him Waldo we are always going out to the pasture and saying "Where's Elmo??" As soon as I get a charger for my camera battery I will have to get some new pics of him :-)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pics of Elmo

Well here he is our new boy Elmo. I know the pics suck but I can't find my camera charger so I had to live with my cell phone.
He is already starting to look better even in the few days that we have had him. I am noticing that he is perking up and showing a lot more interest in his food. Also when he came to us he had horrible diarrhea but he is finally showing some solid poop!!! He got his wormed and it won't be much longer until he will be joining the other horses in my newly expanded pasture.
I will have to say that my hubby is a very understanding man he manually put in enough posts and ran the electric fence to make my 2 acre pasture now 6 acres!!!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Been away for a while

I had to take a break from all this with the rough time that we had during December. We lost our 2 year old Mac to colic suddenly and Katie had to be put down due to cancer. We noticed that her cut was not getting any better and she was suffering from colic off and on and was just loosing all the weight that she had put back on. So the vet ran some tests and found that yes Katie was very sick and we needed to look at putting her suffering to an end. She made it thru Christmas with us and we made it a very special holiday for her with lots of treats. And she is laid to rest under the biggest tree on the property and it was very peaceful.
While she is greatly missed she has shown my kids the need that there is for homes for the poor horses that are no longer wanted and loved and just left to die. So we have taken in another poor old castoff that no one wanted anymore. He is called Elmo (or Fuzzy depending on who you are talking to) and he is the sweetest boy.
I will be posting some pics of him tomorrow... looks like we are turning into a regular horse rescue.