Tuesday, August 4, 2009

She's come a long way

WOW she has come a long way in a short time

Monday, August 3, 2009

new pictures

Just snapped some pictures of Katie this evening showing how big she is really getting

Kicking up her heals

Last night we where out feeding the horses and Katie was full of herself. Everytime you would reach out and try and touch her (she always has you on her blind side don't know why but she will position herself there every time you walk her) she would snort and walk off. Well I guess that Cheyenne was getting too close to her and she took off bucking and snorting!! My daughter and I got quite a giggle out of that. It is so good to see her have that much spunk and energy brings a smile to my face. I know that God had a plan for her and that is what brought her into our lives.